On this page, I have uploaded copies of presentations from talks that I have given at conferences and have linked to videos of 'elevator pitches' that I have been a part of.

Comparing the Impact of Professional Learning in Coding and Computational Thinking for K-6 Teachers
Presented at Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) conference in Sydney, Australia during November 2018
In this snapshot talk, I shared my experiences running two professional learning program for teachers, which were part of my PhD data collection. I also included some results from preliminary analysis of the data that I had collected during the program.

To Assess or Not to Assess: Tensions Negotiated in Six Years of Teaching Teachers About Computational Thinking
Presented at Constructionism conference in Vilnius, Lithuania during August 2018
This is as presentation that I gave about an article that was accepted to the Constructionism 2018 conference, which was later published as an article in the Informatics in Education journal.

Integrating Coding and Maths in K-12: Research and Practice
Presented at Google CS Educator Partner Summit in Sydney, Australia during November 2017
In this talk, I explained three projects that I had been involved in that had investigated the teaching of computational thinking and coding alongside Mathematics.

Creating Virtual Worlds Workshop Pitch Video
An entry in the University of Newcastle's Centre for 21st Century Humanities startup competition (2018)
This is a video that I submitted to a competition ran by the Centre of 21st Century Humanities, which was filmed and edited by my brother. The competition involved creating a pitch video for a Digital Humanities startup idea that had to be less than 1 minute. The video won first prize and I used the funds to used to purchase virtual reality equipment, which will be used for projects involving learning and teaching virtual reality.

University of Newcastle CS4S Elevator Pitch Video
An elevator pitch video that was shared at the Google CS Education Partner summit (2015)
This is a video that we were asked to create for the Google CS Education Partner Summit, which was filmed and edited by staff at the University of Newcastle's Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment. In this video, we had to explain what the Coding & STEM 4 Schools team (which we called the Computer Science for Schools team at that time) does in less than a minute.